About American Pool Inspection, LLC

Tom E. Krause, CPI, CPO

Pools… they are wonderful to have. Whether you’re a homeowner with a pool or considering purchasing a home that has one, your desire is for low-maintenance, problem free and a balanced pool. But keeping a pool properly maintained is tricky. In fact, a pool which is clean and clear doesn’t mean there isn’t hundreds of dollars of repairs needed. The only way to know for sure is to have a Certified Pool Inspection. By having your pool inspected, you will have the peace of mind of knowing the exact condition of the pool, saving you hundreds or thousands of dollars in future maintenance.

Tom Krause, the owner and chief inspector at American Pool Inspection, LLC, has worked in the pool industry for over ten years. Having seen customers spend hundreds of dollars more after receiving a good report from a pool inspection, he decided to investigate why. What he found was that most pool inspections are not thorough and lack organizational know how, and almost all of them were done by Home Inspectors.

Most pool inspections are not thorough and lack organizational know how.Tom E. Krause

He then decided to create a comprehensive check list of every possible component in a pool and combine it with a detailed industry-leading inspection report. The report identifies each part of the pool, explains in layman’s terms why it is important, and then documents any issues that may require the owner’s attention. More importantly, it covers each safety component of a pool and its condition – most pool inspections miss this completely, potentially leaving themselves liable should something catastrophic happen. The completed report is a great reference tool for both new and long-time pool owners alike!

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